Contact Lenses FAQs

Why are contact lens fittings not included in a general complete eye exam?
What is a Simultaneous Vision Bifocal contact lens?
What is included in a Contact Fitting?
What type of options do I have in wearing bifocal contacts?
Why do I need to use artificial tears with my contact lenses?
What are 'therapeutic' contact lenses?
Why is the cost of 'therapeutic' contact lenses more than 'regular' lenses?
Why does RGP require more detailed fit and follow-up process?
How does 'monovision' work?
Is it OK if I use contacts for sports?
Why must I have a prescription for my contact lens?

 Why are contact lens fittings not included in a general complete eye exam?
Contact lenses are fitted separately by a contact lens technician. Not everyone who has a Complete Eye Exam needs contact lens.

 What is a Simultaneous Vision Bifocal contact lens?
A simultaneous vision lens resembles a bull's eye with its concentric circles. Each of the circles provides different portions of the visual correction. Some may have a single ring while others have numerous rings, or zones, depending on the individual prescription. When the brain receives the in-focus and out-of-focus images simultaneously, it is able to select the desired image.

 What is included in a Contact Fitting?
A contact fitting includes initial assessment of prescription / lens type evaluation, interpretation of physician instructions, keratometric readings, slit lamp evaluation of lids, and an evaluation of tear film and corneal diameter.

 What type of options do I have in wearing bifocal contacts?
In wearing bifocal contacts you are not restricted to 2 bifocal lenses to achieve best near and distance vision. You can instead try various combinations of lenses for example one singe-vision lens for distance in the dominant eye with one bifocal lens for distance and near in the non-dominant eye.

 Why do I need to use artificial tears with my contact lenses?
Most contact lens contains large amounts of water and artificial tears are needed to maintain hydration. When a contact lens dries out its parameter changes. It is important to use artificial tears several times a day at the same time to be a healthy and happy contact lens wearer.

 What are 'therapeutic' contact lenses?
Therapeutic contact lenses are a new material that has enabled the development of soft and rigid lenses used to protect and help a sick eye to heal.

 Why is the cost of 'therapeutic' contact lenses more than 'regular' lenses?
The cost is much greater in therapeutic fittings because the cost of the materials is higher, along with the increase of follow-up care of these conditions. Lens position is critical and the fitting of specialty lenses will require skill and patience.

 Why does RGP require more detailed fit and follow-up process?
A Rigid Gas Perm contact fitting includes an evaluation of lids and tear film, and a unique edge design (peripheral curve) to fit each unique eye. The Follow-up process includes examining the lens position, making sure there is no rubbing, and checking if the power is adequate.

 How does 'monovision' work?
Monovision will correct presbyopia by fitting one eye with a contact lens to view distant objects clearly, and fitting the other eye with a lens for viewing near objects. After a period of adjustment, the brain recognizes which eye is giving the clearest vision.

 Is it OK if I use contacts for sports?
Athletes and joggers will find that contact lenses improve their ability to judge distance and improve peripheral vision. They do not fog or smudge when temperature changes, making them perfect for sports. Swimming is not recommended because lenses are porous and can absorb chemicals or impurities in water.

 Why must I have a prescription for my contact lens?
Contact lenses rest on the surface of the cornea; thus the FDA considers them a prescription device. Contact lenses must be fitted separately from a Complete Eye Exam. Eye Medical Center's policy is to provide you with a copy of your contact lens prescription only after we have fitted you with follow up.